
Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thankfulness is the kind of thing that just strikes you in the gut when you least expect it. Chilling in the car, driving through the hills to my hometown, I'm just blown over by the absolute contrast of the trees against the sky. My heart lifts - ballooned by thankfulness. I have so much to be thankful for.

I watched Zombieland this week. Not the best movie, but it does leave a good feeling in your toes. One of the rules shared in the movie to survive the zombie infestation is simple. Enjoy the little things. EnJOY the little things.


That's where attitude and gratitude and gratefulness come in. Life stinks, right? Well, choose to focus on those small little things. For example, I'm swamped with papers all due the same day (yeah, I know. what prof would do that?! Three of mine). In which case, I just have to choose to enjoy using my favorite pen as I read stacks of journal articles and scribble all over them. A pen is such a little thing, but it gives me cause to be thankful.

If you read this today, then please enjoy the little things. But, I'm actually hoping that you don't read this today (Thanksgiving Day) - why? Because I think you should be out, enjoying people in your life that love you best. Or maybe you ought to just be loving others better than you've been loved.

May you choose Gratitude always.