I'm still thinking to myself: That's impossible, but then I opened up my Goodreads account and started scrolling through my books and I found some treasured titles. So in no particular order except in the order that they came to my mind are some titles below.

Hinds' Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard
~ this book really fits every Christian's walk with Christ and I felt that I could relate super well to the main character Much-Afraid because I feel that I live most of my life in fear (even if people call me brave).
Embrace Me by Lisa Samson (this is not a romance at all)
~ a powerful story of redemption and radically living out Jesus' love
Leota's Garden by Francine Rivers
~ a tale that weaves together different generations and the deep influence we can have on each other.
The Myth of a Christian Nation by Gregory Boyd
~ this book woke me up to a lot of the assumptions that I made about America and how most of them aren't true. it made me think and question the world around me a bit more.
Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
~ a girl around our age who is living in Africa with her 8 or so adopted daughters. her life challenges mine, but I also needed to realize that I am just as called to my life here and now as she is to her own life. we are just serving differently.
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
~ a daily devotional that writes God's voice in first person. It's so nice to feel that He speaking personally and lovingly just to me.
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
~ this lady is one of my favorite writers because she is real. In this book, she talks about the art and struggle of writing. I've scribbled notes in the margin and one of my friends has, too!
Succulent Wild Woman by SARK
~ this book title might make you raise your eyebrows, but for me, it helps me be happy to be me. It's a fun book with colorful fonts and personal stories.
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
~ I read a lot of books and this one is short. But just like The Screwtape Letters, it really left a lasting impression on me about what the separation of man from God can look like and how chilling it really is.
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
~ This book is a very special one to me. There's a God story here. But the true beauty of this book is that it is poetic prose that focuses on the significance of walking through life with a deep and sometimes desperate thankfulness.
It's terrible to narrow down years of good experiences with amazing authors and classic stories. I mean I didn't even mention The Lord of the Rings or The Chronicles of Narnia or The Great Gatsby or the Lord of the Flies or the books written by Fanny Burney, Robin Gunn, Rachael Phillips, Sandra Byrd, Deborah Raney, or Jane Austen. But you see, I decided to choose not necessarily my favorite books but some of the ones that have had the most impact on my life.
Also, my current reads are the following: Gilead by Marilynne Robinson, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, and The Cup of Our Lives by Joyce Rupp.